Real vision means to see the invisible, to feel the intangible, and to achieve the impossible.
Actually challenges or failures can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks on the road to success. It is all a matter of how we look at it. You can see a glass as half empty or you can see a glass as half full. One will bring you enthusiasm and the other will bring you discouragement. We can apply this principle to every aspect of our life. But what is of real importance is that we know that we are doing the right thing, that we learn from our mistakes. A mistake is only a mistake if we fail to learn from it. Real leaders make many, many mistakes, but they do not repeat them. They learn from them, they remain enthusiastic; they remain determined for the goal.
Actual champions in every situation are always focused on their goals. Real champions make goals; and losers make excuses. Our life is what we make of it.
– Radhanath Swami
Like the statement-” what is of real importance is that we know that we are doing the right thing.”
wonderful, ” A real mistake is a mistake when we do not learn from it”, Simply amazing. Thank you very much.
Although I have heard it many times, but hearing it from Radhanath Swami in this article makes me convinced that indeed failures can be stepping stones to success, provided we remain enthusiastic towards achieving our goal.
Radhanath Swami has so nicely described importance of having proper vision. Thanks for sharing,
Real champions make goals; and losers make excuses. Our life is what we make of it…….it explains the importance of making vision & mission of our life and striving to execute it. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
What an amazing article by Radhanath Swami. Our real vision can be set perfectly only by a bona-fide spiritual master.
Wonderful teacing “Real vision means to see the invisible, to feel the intangible, and to achieve the impossible.
Wonderful article…..