Learn From Failures

It is a material principle that failure is a pillar of success. This can similarly be applied to our spiritual lives.

One very famous orator has said that success is going from failure to failure to failure, without losing one’s enthusiasm. We really never fail until we give up trying—trying with determination and with enthusiasm.

Vision, real vision, is to see the invisible, to feel the intangible and to achieve the impossible. Challenges or failures can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks on the road to success. It is all a matter of how we look at it. You can see a glass as half empty; you can see the same glass as half full. One will bring you enthusiasm, one will bring you discouragement. We can apply that principle to every aspect of our life. But what is of real importance is that we know we are doing the right thing.

We learn from our mistakes. A mistake is only a mistake if we fail to learn from it. Real leaders make many, many mistakes, but they do not repeat them. They learn from them, they remain enthusiastic; they remain determined for the goal. Actual champions are always focused on their goals in every situation. They make goals, and losers make excuses. Our life is what we make of it.

Failures build our character. Pressure is something that only comes to one who earns it. We should respect pressures as an honour. We cannot be successful unless we have the courage to fail. And every failure contains the seed of success. When we learn from our mistakes, when we learn from our failures, we become stronger, we have greater integrity.


20 responses to “Learn From Failures”

  1. Abhinav Avatar

    One of the best inspiring articles I have ever read in my life…

  2. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    True! Failures are stepping stones to success

  3. ananda lila d Avatar
    ananda lila d

    Ride on the failure, learn from it and go ahead..
    One must take care that those are not repeated…
    HH Radhanath Swami Ki Jay

  4. kedar Avatar

    Very inspiring article. Every failure has a seed of sucess.
    H.H.Radhanath swami Maharaj ki jay.

  5. vijay waichal Avatar
    vijay waichal

    thank you maharaj for giving us the real goal of life and how to face failures and progress in spiritual path

  6. jayant mahtani Avatar
    jayant mahtani

    When we learn from our mistakes, when we learn from our failures, we become stronger, we have greater integrity.
    I pray that I do not commit the same mistakes again.
    Thank you Swami for this wonderful article.

  7. Ravi Garg Avatar
    Ravi Garg

    Very encouraging article…..

  8. Sumit Sharma Avatar
    Sumit Sharma

    Amazing message from Radhanath Swami!

  9. aamjunta Avatar

    True… some times I feel “Mistakes and Perfection are like life and death; once you reach the state of perfection, you are dead”. So failures should happen, else the hunger for success will die…

  10. manish Avatar

    Very nice lines..We should respect pressures as an honour. We cannot be successful unless we have the courage to fail.

  11. It reminds me the verse”karmanyevadikaraste” Good Explanation. All glories to HH Radhanatha Svami Maharaja.

  12. jayant mahtani Avatar
    jayant mahtani

    ‘A mistake is only a mistake if we fail to learn from it.’
    This is something I would like to meditate on..
    Thank you Swamiji

  13. Very Inspiring article!!

  14. Gokul Sundari Devi Dasi Avatar
    Gokul Sundari Devi Dasi

    Amazing & wonderful article.. Thank you so much HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj Ji..

  15. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Very inspiring! We should learn to be enthusiastic and determined in the face of failures which will surely give us success.

  16. Swapnil Gaonkar Avatar
    Swapnil Gaonkar

    Very inspiring and practical article. Thank you for sharing

  17. Anil Timbe Avatar
    Anil Timbe

    Very inspiring guidelines.. thanks for sharing.

  18. amit chugania Avatar
    amit chugania

    thank you for sharing

  19. Gokul Sundari Devi Dasi Avatar
    Gokul Sundari Devi Dasi

    Great message. Jai Gurudev !!

  20. Jerry Davis Avatar
    Jerry Davis

    Awesome guidelines for students of all ages