Radhanath Swami on expecting in return

Radhanath Swami on Expecting in return

The more you expect in return for what you’re doing, the more your heart feels the loneliness and emptiness.
– Radhanath Swami


17 responses to “Radhanath Swami on Expecting in return”

  1. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Very powerful quote. Thank you very much.

  2. Piyush Singh Avatar
    Piyush Singh

    A deep wisdom from HH Radhanath Swami to inspire everyone to as a selfless servant of everyone as only that can bestow the real contentment of the heart. Many thanks for publishing this wisdom.

    1. Piyush Ji, completely agree with you.

      1. Piyush Singh Avatar
        Piyush Singh

        Thank you :).

  3. It makes a lot of sense, actually expectations are root cause of pain as described by Swami ji other time.

    1. Piyush Singh Avatar
      Piyush Singh

      So true. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Anand Patil Avatar
    Anand Patil

    Very profound thought. Expectation mis-match is the biggest cause of anxiety and stress. As the gap of expectations and what one gets widens there’s more anxiety and stress for an individual. Hence we should learn to not expect anything from anybody, its not easy, but everything comes by practice.

    1. Piyush Singh Avatar
      Piyush Singh

      Yea,,, not easy at all but should be given a try as much as possible because that only will lead to a content heart.

      1. Thank you so much for elaborating the understanding here.

  5. Vinay Jain Avatar
    Vinay Jain

    Selfish expectations deprive us of the satisfaction of the heart which comes only by selfless service. Thank you Radhanath Swami for sharing this important wisdom by applying which we can experience real happiness and satisfaction and be thus saved from lot of heartburn!

    1. Piyush Singh Avatar
      Piyush Singh

      Very well said Vinay Ji.

  6. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Wonderful quote by H.H. Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Thank you very much.

  7. Very beautiful thought. Expectations increase the desires to enjoy further.

    1. Piyush Singh Avatar
      Piyush Singh

      So true.

      I guess almost everyone has experienced this phenomena in life. A recent example I heard in a lecture was that when a candidate goes for an interview with lots of expectations, the result is mostly negative due to his nervousness. However, when the candidate goes with no hopes or expectations the result is many a time positive.

      This happens with me also a couple of times in my personal life.

  8. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Thank you very much for such a nice quote.

  9. Piyush Singh Avatar
    Piyush Singh

    Beautiful background image, it has a deep depiction of this deep wisdom from HH Radhanath Swami.

  10. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Very true! When we have expectations from others in return for what we are doing and they are not met, that’s when we start to feel resentment & anger leading us to misery. The best thing is to do what you feel for others in a mood of compassion and helpfulness without expecting anything in return. In this way we will be happy and satisfied deep down in our hearts!