Radhanath Swami on putting god in center

Radhanath Swami on putting god in center

What does it mean to put God in the center? It means to put oneself out of the center.
– Radhanath Swami


8 responses to “Radhanath Swami on putting god in center”

  1. Piyush Singh Avatar
    Piyush Singh

    Amazing perspective to see this often quoted phenomena. If we put ourselves out of center naturally Krishna will take that place. Many thanks for publishing this eye opening wisdom from HH Radhanath Swami.

    1. Keshav Kishor Das Avatar
      Keshav Kishor Das

      Well said Piyushji….!

      1. Piyush Singh Avatar
        Piyush Singh

        Thank you for encouragement :).

  2. Keshav Kishor Das Avatar
    Keshav Kishor Das

    Paradigm shift from self centered consciousness to God consciousness…..explained in a nut shell…..! Incredible…!

  3. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Amazing quote! Just the medicine that we need – to stop looking at ourselves nd look towards Krsna!

  4. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Very nice and inspiring quote. Thank you very much.

  5. Sumit Sharma Avatar
    Sumit Sharma

    Very true. We can not surrender to the Lord without surrendering our false ego.

  6. Swami ji has simply put what should be our aim in life.. thank you for sharing .