Nice quote by Radhanath Swami. To be contented and not hankering for the glittering externalities is a greatest quality and this can be developed through sincere spiritual practices.
Piyush Singh
Well said.
Tejas Patole
Nature of soul is to Love
CS Sandeep S. Shinde
Very nice quote
Nice definition of happiness….
Sourabh Soni
This can be used to explain to the intellectual youth what is real happiness and the right way to strive for it.
Barbara James
such a deep and profound thought. will share with my friends on social media. thnx
Kalpana Kulkarni
Powerful definition of what is real happiness!
If one understands this, all will be self satisfied with whatever they more egoistic competitions…thank you Maharaj..
Sourabh Soni
very rightly said … 🙂
Nagabhushan C
Yes very true, happiness is not in things….
Raju K Mewada
Yes..that is what probably most of us have experienced. We keep on acquiring for many things without aim of its utilization in proper directinon..This is I am saying for any thing..may be money or knowledge or something which we like it. But the day when we realize that what I have done upto now has no meaning or no use of such acquired material, than we lament for our efforts. So we need to learn that just keep on gathering material is not going to give us any satisfaction but real peace may only come through realization. Realization to use everything in service of the Lord and humanities to spread the same realization. H H Radhanath Swami has explained such deep understanding with simple words.
Jeff Smith
well said Mr Raju. if we start understanding the right applications, world will be in the direction. Today people just equate money to happiness, which is not true. I have friends who are millionaires and they are miserable, they have unstable relationships, broken marriages.
Rahul Gupta
True.If you see the life of Radhanath Swami Maharaj, he has been against all odds. Yet he is always blissful
Piyush Singh
Yea.. nice observation about HH Radhanath Swami, he has practiced the art of staying the same same in all odds in life.
Pradeep Kumar
Yes very true.
vidya karekar
Anand Patil
Very very deep and profound. I suppose this is one of the fundamental concepts of spiritual education. People try to acquire more and more material things, but they are never satisfied. One thing leads to another and the greed never stops. since we are all “spirit souls” and not these bodies and our constitutional position to serve others and especially God, material things will never bring happiness which is lasting and fulfilling. If this was not true, all the rich people in the world would be happy, which is not the case. Only when we serve others, do we get inner fulfillment. Only when we go deep within, trying to understand who we are, what is our relation to God and what is my duty, then we can realise the inner secret of our happiness. Thank you Maharaj for the profound thought.
Piyush Singh
Cool. Through service only it is possible to attain inner realization which is the source of Happiness and not the acquisition of material things.
Anand Patil
Pradeep Kumar
Very ture.
Sumit Sharma
Thank you very much for sharing this!
Beautiful quote! There is no use of trying to find happiness externally by acquiring things!
Kiran Shetty
Its an amazing fact indeed….
So true !
Satya Kama Das
Very nice.
Donald Green
Happiness truly defined rather revealed herein
Navin Poojary
Yes ! We are continually exerting so much of our time and efforts in finding this Happiness in outside world, when the solution is simple and inetrnal – just chant hare krishna and be happy
Arun Pagare
Amazing secret of happiness revealed by HH RNS.
Pradeep Kumar
One simple line but has a such huge meaning. if we can understand this our life would be really peaceful. Thanks for sharing.
Deepika Agarwal
Hare Krishna maharaj how true , the happiness which comes from name and fame is so little in front of the happiness which comes from serving vaishnavas.please maharaj engage me in serving your servants so that I can always realize that happiness which is within us.
Aspiring to become your eternal servant
Sanket Shravane
True! It becomes a rat race all around! Mindless competition
I too agree with this statement of Radhanath Swami.
Simple yet profound statement!!!!
Thank you for sharing
very true.Thank you very much.
Gokul Sundari Devi Dasi
Very instructive. Thank you HH Radhanath Swami for always inspiring us.
Excellent!!!!. …..All precious things are found within…..Thank you for sharing.
39 responses to “Radhanath Swami on Happiness”
Nice quote by Radhanath Swami. To be contented and not hankering for the glittering externalities is a greatest quality and this can be developed through sincere spiritual practices.
Well said.
Nature of soul is to Love
Very nice quote
Nice definition of happiness….
This can be used to explain to the intellectual youth what is real happiness and the right way to strive for it.
such a deep and profound thought. will share with my friends on social media. thnx
Powerful definition of what is real happiness!
If one understands this, all will be self satisfied with whatever they more egoistic competitions…thank you Maharaj..
very rightly said … 🙂
Yes very true, happiness is not in things….
Yes..that is what probably most of us have experienced. We keep on acquiring for many things without aim of its utilization in proper directinon..This is I am saying for any thing..may be money or knowledge or something which we like it. But the day when we realize that what I have done upto now has no meaning or no use of such acquired material, than we lament for our efforts. So we need to learn that just keep on gathering material is not going to give us any satisfaction but real peace may only come through realization. Realization to use everything in service of the Lord and humanities to spread the same realization. H H Radhanath Swami has explained such deep understanding with simple words.
well said Mr Raju. if we start understanding the right applications, world will be in the direction. Today people just equate money to happiness, which is not true. I have friends who are millionaires and they are miserable, they have unstable relationships, broken marriages.
True.If you see the life of Radhanath Swami Maharaj, he has been against all odds. Yet he is always blissful
Yea.. nice observation about HH Radhanath Swami, he has practiced the art of staying the same same in all odds in life.
Yes very true.
Very very deep and profound. I suppose this is one of the fundamental concepts of spiritual education. People try to acquire more and more material things, but they are never satisfied. One thing leads to another and the greed never stops. since we are all “spirit souls” and not these bodies and our constitutional position to serve others and especially God, material things will never bring happiness which is lasting and fulfilling. If this was not true, all the rich people in the world would be happy, which is not the case. Only when we serve others, do we get inner fulfillment. Only when we go deep within, trying to understand who we are, what is our relation to God and what is my duty, then we can realise the inner secret of our happiness. Thank you Maharaj for the profound thought.
Cool. Through service only it is possible to attain inner realization which is the source of Happiness and not the acquisition of material things.
Very ture.
Thank you very much for sharing this!
Beautiful quote! There is no use of trying to find happiness externally by acquiring things!
Its an amazing fact indeed….
So true !
Very nice.
Happiness truly defined rather revealed herein
Yes ! We are continually exerting so much of our time and efforts in finding this Happiness in outside world, when the solution is simple and inetrnal – just chant hare krishna and be happy
Amazing secret of happiness revealed by HH RNS.
One simple line but has a such huge meaning. if we can understand this our life would be really peaceful. Thanks for sharing.
Hare Krishna maharaj how true , the happiness which comes from name and fame is so little in front of the happiness which comes from serving vaishnavas.please maharaj engage me in serving your servants so that I can always realize that happiness which is within us.
Aspiring to become your eternal servant
True! It becomes a rat race all around! Mindless competition
I too agree with this statement of Radhanath Swami.
Simple yet profound statement!!!!
Thank you for sharing
very true.Thank you very much.
Very instructive. Thank you HH Radhanath Swami for always inspiring us.
Excellent!!!!. …..All precious things are found within…..Thank you for sharing.