Radhanath Swami on cooperation

Radhanath Swami on Cooperation

The challenge of co-operation in today’s age of quarrel can be achieved by adjusting every situation according to the higher principle of loving god.

– Radhanath Swami


33 responses to “Radhanath Swami on Cooperation”

  1. Sumit Sharma Avatar
    Sumit Sharma

    Amazing quote from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj.

  2. Piyush Singh Avatar
    Piyush Singh

    This is such a light house kind of wisdom from HH Radhanath Swami instruction us to compromise and cooperate for a higher purpose of serving Krishna.

  3. vidya karekar Avatar
    vidya karekar

    wonderfully explained how real cooperation is achieved

  4. brajswaminidd Avatar

    Nice understanding to achieve cooperation in the age of quarrel

  5. biswajit Avatar

    Thank you Maharaj,

  6. Anand Patil Avatar
    Anand Patil

    What a lofty wisdom this is. This certainly is the solution to all the quarrels in the world today. If all the people in the world pay heed to this wisdom and implement it in their lives we will have no quarrel in the world and it will be such a peaceful world to live. As Srila Prabhupada quotes an analogy, if we thrown pebbles in a quiet lake at different places in the lake, it will create non-concentric ripples which will clash with each other. Whereas if all the pebbles are thrown at the centre of the lake, it will create concentric ripples which will not clash with each other. If all us make Krishna as the centre of our lives, we will not fight with each other and will co-operate so nicely. Thank you Maharaj.

    1. Piyush Singh Avatar
      Piyush Singh

      Such a lofty and inspiring comment. Thank you :).

  7. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Its so difficult to practice cooperation in this age of Kali Yuga which is an age of hypocricy and quarrel.

  8. vidya karekar Avatar
    vidya karekar

    the underlined principle – adjusting every situation according to the higher principle of loving god,

  9. Ankush Mahajan Avatar
    Ankush Mahajan

    Very true. Cooperation can only be achieved if rather than keeping ourselves in the centre, we keep God in the center.

  10. Nagabhushan C Avatar
    Nagabhushan C

    Such a deep point Maharaj is making here…wonderful…

  11. Raju K Mewada Avatar
    Raju K Mewada

    Wonderful explanation to cooperate and adjust for all. H H Rahdanath Swami Maharaj has nicely explained to adjust every situation according to higher principle of loving god. I mean that ultimate purpose of life to love God and his creation and every living being. So if can understand and have feeling of pain to others than only we can try to adjust for others because we love them..Hope that I will be able to put this teaching in my practical life and will be able to adjust my requirements…

  12. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful article.

  13. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Nice quote.

  14. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Very powerful quote! Many great wars can be avoided by following this principle – of adjustment and tolerance!

    1. Helen Harris Avatar
      Helen Harris

      true, people these days keep fighting on trivial issues and never think before starting a fight once.. if we have this kind of higher principle, things can be better in this world.

  15. Rahul Gupta Avatar
    Rahul Gupta

    By his example, Radhanath Swami has created one of the most wonderful devotee communities of the world.

  16. Naveen Kandakatla Avatar
    Naveen Kandakatla

    Biggest problem in this age of kali is constant quarrel everywhere in the society. Only if one is ready to adjust things for the higher principles as mentioned here by Radhanath Swami can this be remedied, else there is no solution for such predicament.

  17. prashant Dhotre Avatar
    prashant Dhotre

    Well said,it is actually the true way of bringing everybody together in today’s environment of chaos and confusion.

  18. Rahul Gupta Avatar
    Rahul Gupta

    Radhanath Swami said it so well.

  19. makarand pathak Avatar
    makarand pathak

    Higher cause is to love God. By loving lord all the quarrels can be kept aside and cooperate with each other. Thanks Radhanath Swami

  20. Deepika Avatar

    Thank you maharaj for showing us how to love each other by keeping just higher goal in mind.

  21. Vishwanath Dunage Avatar
    Vishwanath Dunage

    Well said

  22. Roopeshwari radha devi dasi Avatar
    Roopeshwari radha devi dasi

    wow, thank u very much maharaj

  23. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Very nice and inspiring quote. Thank you very much.

  24. Stephen Avatar

    Do you give seminars related team management and co-operation in companies?
    I want it in my company. Great if you can help….

  25. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Very nice quote.

  26. ya..very nice & deep rooted quote…if we just follow this surely all quarrels will reduce…

  27. Swami ji has taken the essence of getting out of our selfish egoistic mentality for a higher purpose in life.

  28. Thank you for the inspiring articles.

  29. Kishore Avatar

    As the name suggest – Kalyuga, age of quarrel and hypocrisy !!!

  30. loving God means loving every living entity. only then we can co-operate under any situation. Thank you Radhanath Swami

  31. rajeev Avatar

    Swami ji is giving such a simple to understand principle to live in harmony with every one. Thank you very much