Radhanath Swami on Champions

Radhanath Swami on Champions

Actual champions in every situation are always focused on their goals. Real champions make goals and losers make excuses.

– Radhanath Swami


18 responses to “Radhanath Swami on Champions”

  1. CS Sandeep Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep Shinde

    Very nice quote.

  2. vidya karekar Avatar
    vidya karekar

    very true

  3. brajswaminidd Avatar

    So wonderful.

  4. biswajit Avatar

    Wonderful quote

  5. Srivallabhi dd Avatar
    Srivallabhi dd


  6. Sumit Sharma Avatar
    Sumit Sharma


  7. Piyush Singh Avatar
    Piyush Singh

    Such a matter of fact wisdom that can motivate anyone to never give up and always continue to strive towards one’s goals. It is the simplest option to give up and justify failures with so many excuses, which often make perfect sense also but all that one gets after excuses is only some sympathy for failure, but a true champion makes out the best from whatever the situation may be. HH Radhanath Swami so beautifully summarizes this vital aspect of leadership.

  8. Raju K Mewada Avatar
    Raju K Mewada

    Yes..Many great leaders demonstrated it through their own behavior. That is one of the true characteristics of the leader. Such behavior of the leaders motivate us to focus on our goals. H H Radhanath Swami is one such leader who has guided many projects with fully focused on final goals.

  9. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Very inspiring quote. This is what distinguishes the real champions from the losers!

  10. Shyamala Avatar

    Well said Swamy

  11. Anand Patil Avatar
    Anand Patil

    very well said.

  12. Navin Poojary Avatar
    Navin Poojary

    yes! this is what the lord prescribes in the Bhagavad Gita for the focused yoga practitioner who meditates on the personal form of Lord .. single pointed attention .”vyasvasayiatmika buddhi ekehe kuru nandana …”

  13. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    This is what Champions are made of – intense focus on their goals!

  14. Deepika Agarwal Avatar
    Deepika Agarwal

    Please maharaj empower me so that I can also focus on just serving your servants without finding any faults in anyone or the system.yas deepika

  15. CS Sandeep S. Shinde Avatar
    CS Sandeep S. Shinde

    Very nice quote. Thank you very much.

  16. RAJESHLK Avatar

    Should think twice now, before making excuses. Good post. Thank you.

  17. “Always focus on the goal”.Thank you for sharing Maharaja.

  18. Kishore Avatar

    This statement somehow gives a lot of moral boast!!!