19 responses to “Radhanath Swami on inner freedom”
Piyush Singh
A very relevant wisdom. These days we often see that people in general are bound by so many internal desires in their mind for selfish enjoyment. This leads to to so much of conflict and quarrel. HH Radhanath Swami is making a very instructive point here that unless we are free internally from these selfish intentions we are as good as dead. Thanks for sharing this.
So true!
vidya karekar
nice quote by Maharaj
Pradeep Kumar
very true
a fact because external freedom just brings miseries and inner freedom brings bliss which is our life,thanks HH Radhanath swami
So subtle truth spoken concisely!!
So true; Unless we are free internally from the bondages of the 6 unwanted things – Lust, Anger, Greed, Pride, Envy & Illusion, how can we live freely ?
Very deep point.
A person can give to others only what he / she has. Thus only a person who is experiencing freedon within can give that experience to others..
Sumit Sharma
Nice quote from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj!
Nitin Gupta
Freedom is basic requirement for peaceful existence.. And inner peace is required to bring harmony in all the beings…but inner freedom is next step for transcendence.
mandeep sidhu
Human being always try to have control of other human being what he fails to understand is that one can only have control of material body we cannot control the soul and soul is always free
so the quote where there is no inner freedom their is no life is soo true
I am less intelligence person what I think I could write plz forgive for my ignorance
Hare Krishna
Very significant quote. If we are not free from inner contamination, we can’t understand the true meaning of life. By chanting holy name of Lord, gradually we become free from anarthas and experience inner freedom. Thank you for sharing.
Kalpesh Jadhav
Inner freedom refers to our freedom from being a servant of our own mind. People with self control have achieved wonders in life. Swamiji very distinctly elaborates this in the above verse.
Khushal Gangwani
I agree wid u kalpesh. Swamiji always emphasizes on inner freedom as a means to achieve our spiritual potential. And no one an take away this inner freedom of ours. So we should always make the best use of it whenever we are confronted in life with good and bad choices. Thank you swamiji for always enlightening us by your power quotes
Kalpana Kulkarni
Amazingly powerful quote!
dharmendra vaishya
One of the meaning of word (FREEDOM) is the state of not being subject to or affected. I think if one is not effected by good or bad in life is real freedom. Jai radhanath swami….
Jason Evans
if you cannot bully your silly self what to speak of influencing others FREEDOM IS WHAT WE NEED(INNER)
simple yet deep statement! Needs a lifetime of practice to train oneself to get rid of one’s own temptations !!!
19 responses to “Radhanath Swami on inner freedom”
A very relevant wisdom. These days we often see that people in general are bound by so many internal desires in their mind for selfish enjoyment. This leads to to so much of conflict and quarrel. HH Radhanath Swami is making a very instructive point here that unless we are free internally from these selfish intentions we are as good as dead. Thanks for sharing this.
So true!
nice quote by Maharaj
very true
a fact because external freedom just brings miseries and inner freedom brings bliss which is our life,thanks HH Radhanath swami
So subtle truth spoken concisely!!
So true; Unless we are free internally from the bondages of the 6 unwanted things – Lust, Anger, Greed, Pride, Envy & Illusion, how can we live freely ?
Very deep point.
A person can give to others only what he / she has. Thus only a person who is experiencing freedon within can give that experience to others..
Nice quote from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj!
Freedom is basic requirement for peaceful existence.. And inner peace is required to bring harmony in all the beings…but inner freedom is next step for transcendence.
Human being always try to have control of other human being what he fails to understand is that one can only have control of material body we cannot control the soul and soul is always free
so the quote where there is no inner freedom their is no life is soo true
I am less intelligence person what I think I could write plz forgive for my ignorance
Hare Krishna
Very significant quote. If we are not free from inner contamination, we can’t understand the true meaning of life. By chanting holy name of Lord, gradually we become free from anarthas and experience inner freedom. Thank you for sharing.
Inner freedom refers to our freedom from being a servant of our own mind. People with self control have achieved wonders in life. Swamiji very distinctly elaborates this in the above verse.
I agree wid u kalpesh. Swamiji always emphasizes on inner freedom as a means to achieve our spiritual potential. And no one an take away this inner freedom of ours. So we should always make the best use of it whenever we are confronted in life with good and bad choices. Thank you swamiji for always enlightening us by your power quotes
Amazingly powerful quote!
One of the meaning of word (FREEDOM) is the state of not being subject to or affected. I think if one is not effected by good or bad in life is real freedom. Jai radhanath swami….
if you cannot bully your silly self what to speak of influencing others FREEDOM IS WHAT WE NEED(INNER)
simple yet deep statement! Needs a lifetime of practice to train oneself to get rid of one’s own temptations !!!