13 responses to “Radhanath Swami on the evolution of human consciousness”
Wonderful definition of real evolution!
Beautiful quote – We need to get evolved in order to feel joy by giving which in the current state we have to do as an austerity
what a wonderful quote,thanks HH Radhanath Swami,its true in today’s age everybody thinks mainly of what he/she is going to get before starting anything.
Darshana Bankar
Actually real pleasure is in giving….
dharmendra vaishya
WOW amazing quote.
In history at the time of satyuga , dvaparyuga, and treatayuga their was a concept of giving land as charity or donation but it was never sold. Same with food and education it was never sold it was just given , but after British rule they changed the consciousness of Indian. They started charging food and education. But happiness is alwaz in giving never taking
Arun Pagare
The best definition of hunan consciousness that i ever heard..
beautiful quote by H.H. Radhanath swami Maharaj. The joy of giving to others offers immense satisfaction to heart
Kalpesh Jadhav
Sharing or giving is such a divine and blissful process also it is such a peace for mind when we don’t expect something which is the cause of anxiety when the expectations aren’t fulfilled.
Piyush Singh
Such a beautiful message from HH Radhanath Swami. A human being has higher intelligence and so is responsible to take good care of others by giving and sharing whatever we are able to.
Sumit Sharma
Simple and very true.
Kalpana Kulkarni
Very True! Happiness lies in Giving rather than Taking!
wonderful message! It inspires us to give rather than to take!
13 responses to “Radhanath Swami on the evolution of human consciousness”
Wonderful definition of real evolution!
Beautiful quote – We need to get evolved in order to feel joy by giving which in the current state we have to do as an austerity
what a wonderful quote,thanks HH Radhanath Swami,its true in today’s age everybody thinks mainly of what he/she is going to get before starting anything.
Actually real pleasure is in giving….
WOW amazing quote.
In history at the time of satyuga , dvaparyuga, and treatayuga their was a concept of giving land as charity or donation but it was never sold. Same with food and education it was never sold it was just given , but after British rule they changed the consciousness of Indian. They started charging food and education. But happiness is alwaz in giving never taking
The best definition of hunan consciousness that i ever heard..
beautiful quote by H.H. Radhanath swami Maharaj. The joy of giving to others offers immense satisfaction to heart
Sharing or giving is such a divine and blissful process also it is such a peace for mind when we don’t expect something which is the cause of anxiety when the expectations aren’t fulfilled.
Such a beautiful message from HH Radhanath Swami. A human being has higher intelligence and so is responsible to take good care of others by giving and sharing whatever we are able to.
Simple and very true.
Very True! Happiness lies in Giving rather than Taking!
wonderful message! It inspires us to give rather than to take!