Radhanath Swami discusses the chain of bad habits

Radhanath Swami discusses the chain of bad habits

My dear friends, I have seen intelligent young men – top of the classes in the Universities, wonderful loving families, the whole world with open arms is waiting for them to succeed. But due to bad association, they become addicted. Their life is ruined. There is no way out. They didn’t intend that – it’s the nature of habits! What is that saying? – ‘The chain of bad habits is very soft; you feel it when it’s too late to get out.’
– Radhanath Swami


16 responses to “Radhanath Swami discusses the chain of bad habits”

  1. Gopinath Chandra Avatar
    Gopinath Chandra

    I have personally witnessed this. One of my batch mates… he got addicted to cigarettes when he was in his first year of graduation. People started calling him CS, ‘Chain Smoker’.
    It took him more than a decade to complete his engineering.

    1. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
      Kalpana Kulkarni

      Very true! Smoking, drinking, etc is all started as having fun but get hooked on to so much that there comes a point of No return!

  2. brajswaminidd Avatar

    Habit is something which however you try A BIT remains. if you remove ‘a’ BIT still remains and even if you remove ‘b’ still IT remains!

    1. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
      Kalpana Kulkarni

      Good one!

  3. Nandkishor Das Avatar
    Nandkishor Das

    ‘The chain of bad habits is very soft; you feel it when it’s too late to get out.’ very true

  4. Swapnil Gaonkar Avatar
    Swapnil Gaonkar

    Eye opening statement. Especially the last line …..

    1. Navin Poojary Avatar
      Navin Poojary

      Yes swapnil! Bad habits start soft and then people just cannnot kick the habit. I remember my friends from college times, the first puff was an innnocent “pleasing the group to be part of it ” attitude but soon what we started as to please somebody else is tightening it’s hold and making the person an addict. This is true not just fpor smoking but so many other activities excessive time spent surfing, chatting , texting while driving. In fact texting while driving is turning out to be one of the biggest killers more than even drunken driving in US

      1. Gopinath Chandra Avatar
        Gopinath Chandra


      2. Vishnu Walse Avatar
        Vishnu Walse

        Yes Navin and situation is becoming worst day by day. Habit is second nature.

  5. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    True, bad habits can get so addictive that it seems like being stuck in a maze which has no opening. So we have to be so careful to see what habits we are cultivating.

  6. bad habits can go only by Krishna’s mercy, maya is very strong

  7. So true! Bad habits are really difficult to get out of…

  8. So true. The last line- Chain of bad habits is very soft was really an eye opener. So many lives get destroyed due to bad habits. And by the time realization dawns it’s too late

  9. very inspiring

  10. Sumit Sharma Avatar
    Sumit Sharma

    HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai!

  11. ‘The chain of bad habits is very soft; you feel it when it’s too late to get out.’…..amazing….thank you…