Balance – the key to success


Yesterday when I was looking out of the window, I saw different kinds of birds flying. The little birds were flapping their wings so hard, but they could not fly too high. And flying higher than these birds I saw a hawk who hardly flapped his wings; he was just floating. How does he do that? By balancing. No wind, high or low, could disturb him because he had learned that art of balancing. Looked like the hawk was not doing anything, while the small birds seemed to be working so hard. Why? Because the small birds were not able to balance like that big hawk.

And this is the secret of success: a balanced life. Sometimes you want to go so much into spiritual life that family life gets neglected, and your career starts collapsing; that is unsustainable. Sometimes you go so much into your career – every moment means working towards promotion, towards more money and more power – that your family suffers, your spiritual life becomes nil. And sometimes you just immerse into doing things for family that spiritually and economically things are collapsing. Satsang is where we come together to actually become inspired to balance our lives in such a way that we are on the path to liberation, to perfection, to pure love of God.

-Radhanath Swami


7 responses to “Balance – the key to success”

  1. Very nice article to balance our life. Rukmini Devi balanced with a Single Tulasi Leaf with devotion. Love and devotion can balance easily. All glories to HH Radhanatha Svami Maharaja.

  2. thank you Radhanath Swami mahraj for sharing such thought on balancing our life, when we don’t balance we become miserable

  3. Muktkesh das Avatar
    Muktkesh das

    Swamiji have given very nice solution for balancing is satsang, association of devs, as they can help us , guide us what to do ? how much to do ? when to do? for every phase of our life we require guidance means association of devotees.

  4. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article

  5. Srivallabhi dd Avatar
    Srivallabhi dd

    Very nice,its really true we should balance our life in such a way , so that our family life is not disturbed nor spiritual life.

  6. Kalpana Kulkarni Avatar
    Kalpana Kulkarni

    Perfect solution to lead a happy life – balance between career, family and spiritual life. But its quite difficult to follow as there is a fine line dividing these three. We can only pray to the Lord to give us the intelligence to balance all three.

  7. Very true. Radhanath Maharaj explains the art of balancing between family, career and spiritual life.