Any activity, any progress we make on the path of real spirituality, is eternal. It is never lost. Even if we forget it sometime, it is still an investment that is waiting for us, whenever we turn to it. If you make 70% spiritual progress and your life ends, you are guaranteed by the laws of God to begin your next birth at 71%. Therefore, when prayers are offered from the heart with sincere devotion, they become a very integral part of the soul’s journey.
–Radhanath Swami
24 responses to “Your Prayers are never forgotten”
Thanks Swamiji for giving us hope & encouragement to continue our journey on the spiritual path….
thank you for sharing this :).
Thanks Radhanath swami maharaj for such a enlightining teachings on prayers.
Thank you Radhanath Swami. This is very hope giving. Lord is very merciful and loves every soul
thank you for sharing such a wonderful article :).
Thank you for sharing this wonderful and beautiful article :).
Very hope giving statements. All the more reason why we should give priority to our spiritual life as our spiritual credits never go waste whereas all our material assets will not help us in our next life.
Devotional service only satisfies the soul. All glories to HH Radhanatha Svami Maharaja.
Wonderful article……..
A life sustainer article by maharajah thank you very much
The statement herein by Radhanath Maharaj will help us increase our faith in whatever spiritual path we are following under bonafide guidance. Srila Prabhupad also mention in one of his purport on Bhagvad Gita Shloka that in practice of Krishna Consciousness there is no loss.Even if one fails to complete in this birth,he/she will get birth in a suitable family where in that person continue practicing Krishna Consciousness.
Thank you for sharing
Beautiful statement highlighting the importance of prayers
Thanks Maharaj for being Hopeful and enlightening for us”….
So inspiring & hope giving. True prayers are very powerful!
Devotees prayers never get waste. In this uncertain world there is one thing certain that is progress of bhakti depending upon the prayers.
Wow! This is something very much hope giving benediction while living in today’s hopeless atmosphere,
Thankful to Radhanath Swami to guide us through these deep instructions
True! Prayers are very powerful. Also any spiritual activity never goes waste. We carry the good effects in our next life too unlike material assets which we have to leave behind at the time of death.
Sometimes on the spirirtual path I feel that how much I have to go again, this is enough, little hopeless situation but Maharaj, your these inspirations makes me go more ahead in spiritual path without seeing back what we are loosing but waiting for the higher taste coming ahead…..
So true. It is said that Everything is pre-written, but with prayers, it can be re-written. Prayers have a lot of strength.
HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj has always stressed in heartfelt prayers. Thanks for sharing it!
very inspiring
Great hope for us from these words. Otherwise in material world even if some thing fails at 99%, no use of it. Everybody will blame you. But in spirituality due to kindness of the Lord, Lord allows us to start from where we have stopped. But let us try to reach 100% desired result for spiritual progress within this lifetime.